Eating healthy is not difficult.



One of the basic conditions for a healthy, long and happy life is a healthy, well-thought-out daily menu. But, it turns out that none the less important are environment (interior, sound, colour and layout), adjustment of thoughts and mood during eating. If you want to live in harmony, stimulating positive feelings and better health, you should evaluate your feelings during eating.

It is important that

  • You are present, eat consciously – youevaluate the environment, your emotions, enjoy the taste, colour and shape of the dish. Evaluate body sensations – food makes you feel good during eating anddo this positive feeling last after eating?
  • Eat only with pleasant emotions about your body and food.
  • Devote enough time for eating. The dining table is not connected to work, telephone, documents. Devote an hour for lunch.
  • The decoration and visual layout of the table is light, soft and uncluttered. It has been proved that a person consumes much more food in a heavy, careless interior.
  • A pleasant music sounds in the background. A candle can be lit if it produces pleasant sensations.
  • The environment temperature is pleasant.
  • The colour of the plate contrasts with the food colour. Which dish colour makes you feel better/eat more? It is researched that the blue colour soothes, helps to enjoy food, reducing the amount of food you eat. On the other hand, the red colour makes restless, promotes overeating.
  • The size of the plate and accessories is a bit smaller than usual.

It is possible to drink. People confuse hunger with a feeling of thirst.

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Eating correctly is easy!